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Complete list of Stavros Taraviras publications available at Google Scholar and NCBI PubMed search

Selected publications:

  • Petropoulos, M., Champeris Tsaniras, S., Nikou, S., Maxouri, S., Dionellis, V. S., Kalogeropoulou, A., ... & Taraviras, S. (2023). Cdt1 overexpression drives colorectal carcinogenesis through origin overlicensing and DNA damage. The Journal of Pathology, 259(1), 10-20.
  • Angelopoulos, I., Gakis, G., Birmpas, K., Kyrousi, C., Habeos, E. E., Kaplani, K., ... & Taraviras, S. (2022). Metabolic regulation of the neural stem cell fate: Unraveling new connections, establishing new concepts. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 16, 1009125.
  • Chamakioti, M., Karantzelis, N., & Taraviras, S. (2022). Advanced gene-targeting therapies for motor neuron diseases and muscular dystrophies. International journal of molecular sciences, 23(9), 4824.
  • Kalogeropoulou, A., Mougkogianni, M., Iliadou, M., Nikolopoulou, E., Flordelis, S., Kanellou, A., ... & Taraviras, S. (2022). Intrinsic neural stem cell properties define brain hypersensitivity to genotoxic stress. Stem Cell Reports, 17(6), 1395-1410.
  • Karantzelis, N., Petropoulos, M., De Marco, V., Egan, D. A., Fish, A., Christodoulou, E., ... & Taraviras, S. (2022). Small molecule inhibitor targeting CDT1/geminin protein complex promotes DNA damage and cell death in cancer cells. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 13, 1345.
  • Landskron, L., Bak, J., Adamopoulos, A., Kaplani, K., Moraiti, M., van den Hengel, L. G., Taraviras, S., ... & Heidebrecht, T. (2022). Posttranslational modification of microtubules by the MATCAP detyrosinase. Science. 376: eabn6020.
  • Ioannidis, K., Angelopoulos, I., Gakis, G., Karantzelis, N., Spyroulias, G. A., Lygerou, Z., & Taraviras, S. (2021). 3D reconstitution of the neural stem cell niche: connecting the dots. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 9, 705470.
  • Loukas, I., Skamnelou, M., Tsaridou, S., Bournaka, S., Grigoriadis, S., Taraviras, S., ... & Arbi, M. (2021). Fine‐tuning multiciliated cell differentiation at the post‐transcriptional level: contribution of miR‐34/449 family members. Biological Reviews, 96(5), 2321-2332.
  • Mougkogianni, M., Kalogeropoulou, A., Giakoumakis, N. N., Lygerou, Z., & Taraviras, S. (2021). Ιn vivo imaging of DNA-bound minichromosome maintenance complex in embryonic mouse cortex. STAR protocols, 2(1), 100234.
  • Ioannidis, K., Danalatos, R. I., Champeris Tsaniras, S., Kaplani, K., Lokka, G., Kanellou, A., ... & Taraviras, S. (2020). A custom ultra-low-cost 3D bioprinter supports cell growth and differentiationFrontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology8, 580889.
  • Nathanailidou, P., Taraviras, S., & Lygerou, Z. (2020). Chromatin and nuclear architecture: shaping DNA replication in 3D. Trends in Genetics, 36(12), 967-980.
  • Tsaridou, S., Skamnelou, M., Iliadou, M., Lokka, G., Parlapani, E., Mougkogianni, M., ... & Taraviras, S. (2020). Three-dimensional models for studying neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental diseases. GeNeDis 2018: Genetics and Neurodegeneration, 35-41.
  • Antonopoulos, I., Daoussis, D., Lalioti, M. E., Markatseli, T. E., Drosos, A. A., Taraviras, S., ... & Liossis, S. N. C. (2019). B cell depletion treatment decreases CD4+ IL4+ and CD4+ CD40L+ T cells in patients with systemic sclerosisRheumatology International39(11), 1889-1898.
  • Kalogeropoulou, A., Lygerou, Z., & Taraviras, S. (2019). Cortical development and brain malformations: insights from the differential regulation of early events of DNA replicationFrontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology7, 29.
  • Lalioti, M. E., Kaplani, K., Lokka, G., Georgomanolis, T., Kyrousi, C., Dong, W., ... & Taraviras, S. (2019). GemC1 is a critical switch for neural stem cell generation in the postnatal brainGlia67(12), 2360-2373.
  • Lalioti, M. E., Arbi, M., Loukas, I., Kaplani, K., Kalogeropoulou, A., Lokka, G., ... & Taraviras, S. (2019). GemC1 governs multiciliogenesis through direct interaction with and transcriptional regulation of p73Journal of Cell Science132(11), jcs228684.
  • Petropoulos, M., Tsaniras, S. C., Taraviras, S., & Lygerou, Z. (2019). Replication licensing aberrations, replication stress, and genomic instabilityTrends in biochemical sciences44(9), 752-764.
  • Tsaniras, S. C., Delinasios, G. J., Petropoulos, M., Panagopoulos, A., Anagnostopoulos, A. K., Villiou, M., ... & Taraviras, S. (2019). DNA replication inhibitor geminin and retinoic acid signaling participate in complex interactions associated with pluripotencyCancer Genomics & Proteomics16(6), 593-601.
  • Arbi, M., Pefani, D. E., Taraviras, S., & Lygerou, Z. (2018). Controlling centriole numbers: Geminin family members as master regulators of centriole amplification and multiciliogenesisChromosoma127, 151-174.
  • Champeris Tsaniras, S., Villiou, M., Giannou, A. D., Nikou, S., Petropoulos, M., Pateras, I. S., ... & Taraviras, S. (2018). Geminin ablation in vivo enhances tumorigenesis through increased genomic instabilityThe Journal of pathology246(2), 134-140.
  • Kaplani, K., Koutsi, S., Armenis, V., Skondra, F. G., Karantzelis, N., Tsaniras, S. C., & Taraviras, S. (2018). Wound healing related agents: Ongoing research and perspectivesAdvanced Drug Delivery Reviews129, 242-253.
  • Marazioti, A., Lilis, I., Vreka, M., Apostolopoulou, H., Kalogeropoulou, A., Giopanou, I., Taraviras, S., ... & Stathopoulos, G. T. (2018). Myeloid-derived interleukin-1β drives oncogenic KRAS-NF-κΒ addiction in malignant pleural effusionNature communications9(1), 672.
  • Kyrousi, C., Lygerou, Z., & Taraviras, S. (2017). How a radial glial cell decides to become a multiciliated ependymal cellGlia65(7), 1032-1042.
  • Taouki, I., Tasiudi, E., Lalioti, M. E., Kyrousi, C., Skavatsou, E., Kaplani, K., ... & Taraviras, S. (2017). Geminin participates in differentiation decisions of adult neural stem cells transplanted in the hemiparkinsonian mouse brainStem Cells and Development26(16), 1214-1222.
  • Kyrousi, C., Lalioti, M. E., Skavatsou, E., Lygerou, Z., & Taraviras, S. (2016). Mcidas and GemC1/Lynkeas specify embryonic radial glial cellsNeurogenesis3(1), e1172747.
  • Patmanidi, A. L., Kanellakis, N. I., Karamitros, D., Papadimitriou, C., Lygerou, Z., & Taraviras, S. (2016). Whole transcriptome data analysis of mouse embryonic hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells that lack Geminin expressionData in Brief7, 889-893.
  • Karamitros, D., Patmanidi, A. L., Kotantaki, P., Potocnik, A. J., Bähr-Ivacevic, T., Benes, V., ... & Taraviras, S. (2015). Geminin deletion increases the number of fetal hematopoietic stem cells by affecting the expression of key transcription factorsDevelopment142(1), 70-81.
  • Kyrousi, C., Arbi, M., Pilz, G. A., Pefani, D. E., Lalioti, M. E., Ninkovic, J., ... & Taraviras, S. (2015). Mcidas and GemC1 are key regulators for the generation of multiciliated ependymal cells in the adult neurogenic nicheDevelopment142(21), 3661-3674.
  • Tsaniras, S. C., Kanellakis, N., Symeonidou, I. E., Nikolopoulou, P., Lygerou, Z., & Taraviras, S. (2014, June). Licensing of DNA replication, cancer, pluripotency and differentiation: an interlinked world?.  In Seminars in cell & developmental biology(Vol. 30, pp. 174-180). Academic Press.
  • Symeonidou, I. E., Kotsantis, P., Roukos, V., Rapsomaniki, M. A., Grecco, H. E., Bastiaens, P., Taraviras, S., ... & Lygerou, Z. (2013). Multi-step loading of human minichromosome maintenance proteins in live human cellsJournal of Biological Chemistry288(50), 35852-35867.
  • Stathopoulou, A., Roukos, V., Petropoulou, C., Kotsantis, P., Karantzelis, N., Nishitani, H., ... & Taraviras, S. (2012). Cdt1 is differentially targeted for degradation by anticancer chemotherapeutic drugsPloS one7(3), e34621.
  • Spella, M., Kyrousi, C., Kritikou, E., Stathopoulou, A., Guillemot, F., Kioussis, D., ... & Taraviras, S. (2011). Geminin regulates cortical progenitor proliferation and differentiationStem cells29(8), 1269-1282.
  • Karamitros, D., Kotantaki, P., Lygerou, Z., Veiga-Fernandes, H., Pachnis, V., Kioussis, D., & Taraviras, S. (2010). Life without gemininCell Cycle9(16), 3201-3205.
  • Karamitros, D., Kotantaki, P., Lygerou, Z., Veiga-Fernandes, H., Pachnis, V., Kioussis, D., & Taraviras, S. (2010). Differential geminin requirement for proliferation of thymocytes and mature T cellsThe Journal of Immunology184(5), 2432-2441.
  • De Marco, V., Gillespie, P. J., Li, A., Karantzelis, N., Christodoulou, E., Klompmaker, R., Taraviras, S., ... & Perrakis, A. (2009). Quaternary structure of the human Cdt1-Geminin complex regulates DNA replication licensingProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences106(47), 19807-19812.
  • Petropoulou, C., Kotantaki, P., Karamitros, D., & Taraviras, S. (2008). Cdt1 and Geminin in cancer: markers or triggers of malignant transformation?Frontiers in Bioscience-Landmark13(12), 4485-4494.
  • Liontos, M., Koutsami, M., Sideridou, M., Evangelou, K., Kletsas, D., Levy, B., Taraviras, S., ... & Gorgoulis, V. G. (2007). Deregulated overexpression of hCdt1 and hCdc6 promotes malignant behaviorCancer research67(22), 10899-10909.
  • Roukos, V., Iliou, M. S., Nishitani, H., Gentzel, M., Wilm, M., Taraviras, S., & Lygerou, Z. (2007). Geminin cleavage during apoptosis by caspase-3 alters its binding ability to the SWI/SNF subunit BrahmaJournal of Biological Chemistry282(13), 9346-9357.
  • Spella, M., Britz, O., Kotantaki, P., Lygerou, Z., Nishitani, H., Ramsay, R. G., ... & Taraviras, S. (2007). Licensing regulators Geminin and Cdt1 identify progenitor cells of the mouse CNS in a specific phase of the cell cycleNeuroscience147(2), 373-387.
  • Karakaidos, P., Taraviras, S., Vassiliou, L. V., Zacharatos, P., Kastrinakis, N. G., Kougiou, D., ... & Gorgoulis, V. G. (2004). Overexpression of the replication licensing regulators hCdt1 and hCdc6 characterizes a subset of non-small-cell lung carcinomas: synergistic effect with mutant p53 on tumor growth and chromosomal instability—evidence of E2F-1 transcriptional control over hCdt1The American journal of pathology165(4), 1351-1365.
  • Xouri, G., Lygerou, Z., Nishitani, H., Pachnis, V., Nurse, P., & Taraviras, S. (2004). Cdt1 and geminin are down‐regulated upon cell cycle exit and are over‐expressed in cancer‐derived cell linesEuropean journal of biochemistry271(16), 3368-3378.
  • Taraviras, S., & Pachnis, V. (1999). Development of the mammalian enteric nervous systemCurrent opinion in genetics & development9(3), 321-327.
  • Taraviras, S., Marcos-Gutierrez, C. V., Durbec, P., Jani, H., Grigoriou, M., Sukumaran, M., ... & Pachnis, V. (1999). Signalling by the RET receptor tyrosine kinase and its role in the development of the mammalian enteric nervous systemDevelopment126(12), 2785-2797.